Telstra receives a financial benefit or a referral fee if you acquire a product from Tyro.I have an old version of Acrobat Reader 8 Professional which i have brought forward to new PC’s several time, -always deactivating the program on the old PC before new installation.Īs I’m retired and only use the program for a few special purposes (OCR, splitting pdf’s etc,) as nonpaid work for charity organisations, I have tried to forward my 8 pro version also to my new Windows 10 laptop, and it works, but when i’m asked to register the program I get following messages although both Internet and Javascript is OK. All enquiries to Telstra about Tyro products are referred on by Telstra to Tyro who will to contact you about their products and provide you with further information - Telstra cannot give advice on Tyro’s products. Tyro Payments Limited ACN 103 575 042 AFSL 471951 is the issuer of its own financial products. If the Offer is withdrawn, the Offer will be honoured in respect of all applications received by Tyro from Telstra customers before the Offer is withdrawn. Tyro and Telstra reserve the right to withdraw or extend this Offer at any time, at their discretion. Tyro Go requires a Bluetooth-enabled mobile device or tablet, an app to be installed and mobile network coverage. The Offer is not available in conjunction with Bendigo Bank powered by Tyro EFTPOS products. For Mobile EFTPOS and CounterTop EFTPOS products the Fee excludes Diners Club card transactions and MOTO fees, which are charged in accordance with Tyro’s Application Form and Terms & Conditions. UnionPay, Alipay, Diners Club and MOTO transactions not available with Tyro Go.

The Offer does not apply to terminal paper rolls and terminal accessories (additional charges apply). Additional fees and charges apply as set out in the Tyro Application Form and Terms & Conditions. The Fee is subject to change in accordance with the Tyro Terms & Conditions.

The Offer and included free terminal rental are subject to your reasonable use, and your use will be deemed unreasonable by Tyro in its absolute discretion if it is (a) contrary to the way that the Offer was intended to be used or (b) otherwise unacceptable. The Offer only applies once per new Tyro customer for applications received, but does not apply to eCommerce transactions.